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Welcome to a Further Selection of Glass and Information complete with images of Art~Glass Designers World-wide 

by David M. Issitt


Hi to all new comers to the world of glass and to all those who have in the past visited my other website. This new website is being set up to bring to the attention of all lovers of glass what is currently being made world-wide by such creative artists.

Some you may know, some you may not but I hope this presentation of images will give you a keen insight to the current industry not only in the United Kingdom but from around the world.

I will from time to time be also postings articles about certain glass artists and will still continue my published articles on my other website.

Welcome to the world of glass presented by Leading Expert and Published writer


~ David M. Issitt ~


Once you have seen the delights here from the world of glass please be sure to stop by my other website. Thanks and do enjoy the colourful world of glass.

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Lino Tagliapietra Bilbao


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